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DVD 13353 FAUST (Gounod)

Price: $8.95
Sale Price: $4.95
Santa Fe, 2011. HYMEL, PEREZ, GAGIERA, WORTH; CHASLIN (Professional Recording, Excellent Quality, No Subtitles)

Product Reviews

(2 Ratings, 2 Reviews) Average Rating:
Don Donadio (Albuquerque, NM) 6/21/2021 10:02 AM
Fun production. Hymel and Perez before they hit the bigtime. Hymel saving productions of The Trojans in a couple of opera houses. Chaslin an excellent conductor. Too bad he did not stay at the opera for long.
run of the mill
richard prentice (mt wilson, ) 10/27/2016 9:44 PM
Some 50 years ago a producer had the bright idea of setting Faust in the 19th century and it has been stuck there ever since, This one from Santa Fe is no different. The producer has a few new ideas,most unhappy ones.Why are the French soldiers wearing German uniforms and why is the rejuvenated Faust in his wheelchair?The evening is saved by strong singing but there in not much pleasure to be had from the visual.
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