Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
(1 CD)
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
Europe 2/20/2012 - Works by Liszt, Mahler, Duparc, Strauss. Helmut Deutsch, piano. (2 CDs) *Click more info*
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Quebec City 2/3/2013 - Kaufmann sings Schumanns Dichterliebe op. 48. Accompanied by Matheson. (1 CD)
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
6/9/2013 - Featuring works by Vivaldi, Faure, Rossini, Head, and Hahn. Pianist: Zobel (2 CDs)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
New York 4/3/1971 - Very rare recording, never before available. Superlative sound quality. (1 CD)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Amsterdam 4/10/2013 - Featuring works Bist du, Freudvoll und Leidvoll, Der Fischerknabe, and Hohe Liebeby Liszt, Wagners Wesendonck Lieder, Die Nacht, Die Verschwiegenen, Allerseelen, and Morgen by Strauss, etc. *Click more info*
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
2012 and June 2013 - Two separate performances. Featuring complete performances of Schuberts Winterreise and Schuberts Die Schone Mullerin; accompanied by Deutsch (2 CDs)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
10/12/1969 - Very RARE recording, never before available. Superior sound. Featuring works by Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini, and Verdi; Accompanied by John Wustman. (1 CD)
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
Peralda 8/6/2013 - Featuring Adelaide, Schumanns Dichterliebe, Five Songs for Voice by Karlowicz, Zueignung and Letzte Blatter by Strauss, Verdis Di tu se fedele, and more. *click more info*
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
Europe 11/20/2013 - Featuring Wagners Wesendonck Lieder, Verdis Six Romanas, and works by Puccini; accompanied by Aguirre (2 CDs)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Salzburg 2005 - Featuring, Sieben fruhe Lieder, Das himmlische Leben, Madchenblumen, Glitter and be Gay, and works by Zemlinsky, Wolf, and Strauss (1 CD)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Chicago 11/11/1963 Featuring Elle ne croyait pas from Mignon, Vainemant ma bien aimee from Le Roi DYs, Le crepuscule by Donizetti, arias from Bartered Bride, Eugene Onegin, Turandot, and sicilian songs. *Click more info*
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
2/20/2014 - Featuring Schumanns Zwolf Gedichte and Dichterliebe, Wagners Wesendonck Lieder, Liszts Tre sonetti di Petrarca, as well as several encores. *For encores, Click more info* (In-house recording)(2 CDs)
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
1/26/2014 - Featuring works by Beethoven, Reichardt, Brahms, and Liszt; accompanied by Rieger (2 CDs)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
4/13/1959 - This recital features works by Handel, Schubert, Strauss, Bizet, Giordano, Rachmaninov, Puccini, Grieg, and works in Swedish by Sjogern, and Peterson-Berger. *For full program, Click more info* (1 CD)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
3/17/2014 - Cardiff singer of the World Song Prize 2001 Winner. Featuring Iberts 4 Chansons de Don Quichotte, Ravels Don Quichotte a Duclinee, and Sviridovs Otchalivshaya Rus; accompanied by Matthewman (1 CD)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
4/3/2008 - Featuring works by Tchaikovsky, Medtner, and Rachmaninoff; accompanied by Ilja (1 CD) *For full program, Click more info*
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
10/26/2008 - Featuring works by Faure, Ravel, Wolf, Weylas, Schubert, Wolf, and Poulenc; accompanied by Martineau (2 CDs)
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
June 1961 - Featuring Souzay; accompanied by Baldwin. BONUS: Souzay also sings Schuberts Der Wanderer, Aud der Bruck, Nacht und Traume, An Sylvia, Die Forelle, Der Zwerg, Erlkonig, Heidenroslein, and more. *For full track list, click More Info* (2 CDs)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Stockholm 5/25/1952 - Featuring O Paradiso by Meyerbeer, Cielo e Mar by Ponchielli, Trollsjon (Enchanted Lake) by Soderman, Land, du Valsignade by Althen, Nu ar jag pank och fagelfri (Ich hab kein geld) by Millocker; accompanied by Ebert (1 CD)
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
5/25/2014 - Featuring works by Glinka, Dargomijsky, Borodin, Cui, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, and Verdi; accompanied by Lilja. *For full program, Click more info* (2 CDs)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Camarena sings A vucchella, Core ngrato, Diceitencello vuie, Estrellita, Ideale, Lalba separa dalla luce lombra, Malia, Mattinata, Musica proibita, No puede ser, Ti voglio tanto bene, and Torna a Surriento (1 CD)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Prague 3/3/2013 - Featuring arias by Rossini, Massenet, Dvorak, Strauss, Donizetti, Gounod, Offenbach, and Verdi; La Malfa (1 CD)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
March 2014 - Featuring Schumanns 6 Poems of Nikolaus Lenau and Requiem Op.90, Lied eines Schmiedes, Meine Rose,Die Sennin, Einsamkeit, Der schwere Abend, Requiem, Wagners Wesendonck Lieder, and more. *Click more info* (1 CD)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Waidhofen 3/20/2014 - Featuring works by R. Strauss, Mozart, Schubert, Schumann, Rih, Reimann, and Mendelssoh-Bartholdy; accompanied by Huber (1 CD)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Venice 1986 - Featuring Piangero la sorte mia from Giulio Cesare, Anzoleta Avanti, passa la regataDopo la regata from La regatta Veneziana, Addio caro campielo from Il Campiello, Pace non trovo from Sonetti del Petrarca. *Click more info*
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
3/10/2014 - Featuring works in Russian by Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov, Cui, Medtner, Rachmaninoff, and Sviridov; accompanied by Lilja (1 CD)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Featuring Strausss Schlicte Weisen, selecions from Schumanns Dichterliebe, and much more... (* Click for more info *)
Price: $7.95
Sale Price: $3.98
Europe 11/19/2013 - Gerhaher sings Schuberts Winterreise; Huber (1 CD)
Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $7.47
Geneva 4/2/2004 - Bengt Forsberg, piano. Songs by Stenhammar, Larsson, Aulin, Wiklund, Rangstrom, Boldemann, Dale, Ferguson, Phillips, Carew, Chaminade, Linde and Billy Joel. (2 CDs)
