Home > DVDs > DVD 6718 DER VAMPYR (Marschner)
DVD 6718 DER VAMPYR (Marschner)
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Edmund Diggle III
(Haworth, NJ)
2/5/2017 11:30 PM
This is a very interesting production of Der Vampyr and is the only DVD I could find for this opera. This particular DVD though has audio and video sync problems--get the Premiere Opera Der Vampyr DVD 11875 instead. More info on this particular performance is here: http://armelfestival.org/en/heinrich-marschner-der-vampyr-opera-de-rennes/
Marschner - Der Vampyr
11/27/2011 6:18 PM
Bought this based on Pat Sutherland's review. Just wanted to second the recommendation.
4/6/2009 10:41 AM
This production is part of the Opera Competition and Festival with Mezzo Television recorded on 15, 16, November, 2008. I think the cast shown were the winners. It was excellent but a bit confusing pour moi.
You're watching a Kabuki style production (Japanese, highly stylized costumes, makeup, moves and gestures), sung in German, with French subtitles. It was shown in Rennes, France, not Gdansk, Poland.
Between the two acts, there are interviews with the cast, which includes:
Janthe/Emmy: Helen Kearns (Ireland)
Malwina: Vanessa Le Charlès (France)
Aubry: Marc Haffner (France)
Ruthven: Nabil Suliman (Syria)
With: the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Olari Elts
Director: Zoltán Balázs.
Go to operacompetition.hu to view all the competition details for 2008 and 2009 and see a pdf file of the entire program. A synopsis of the opera is available through Naxos. com.
My DVD copy was high quality picture and sound. Worth a look for something very different!
