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DVD 20767 JAGGED LITTLE PILL (Morissette)

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US, 2/2020. Elizabeth Stanley (Mary Jane Healy), Celia Gooding (Frankie Healy), Sean Allan Krill (Steve Healy) (Fan-Shot Video, Superior Quality, No Subtitles)

Derek Klena (Nick Healy), Ezra Menas (understudy Jo), Kathryn Gallagher (Bella), Antonio Cipriano (Phoenix), Logan Hart (Andrew Montefiore), Nora Schell (Pharmacist/Therapist), Kelsey Orem (s/w Jill/Teacher), Heather Lang (Courtney), Jane Bruce (Denise), Ebony Williams (Barista), Zach Hess (Drug Dealer), Max Kumangai (Doctor), Annelise Baker (Kelsey), John Cardoza, Kei Tsuruharatani, Kelsey Orem, Ken Wulf Clark, Nora Schell, Yeman Brown. Beautifully filmed from the back of the orchestra section, so the filmer is sitting at the same level as the stage. Missing the first couple of seconds.

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