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DVD 13369 DON GIOVANNI (Mozart)

Price: $8.95
Sale Price: $4.95
 Aix-en Provence, 7/02.  Mattei, Cachemaille, Berg, Padmore, Deshorties, DeLunsch, Larsson, Oskarsson; Harding (Broadcast, No Subtitles, Excellent Quality)

Product Reviews

(2 Ratings, 1 Review) Average Rating:
One of the best Giovanni's
David Glogower (Monroe, NY) 11/26/2016 12:11 PM
I stumbled on this Giovanni performance because of my admiration for Peter Mattei. He is a marvel as Giovanni, of course, with his golden baritone, good looks, and suave portrayal. Giovanni has accumulated a lot of excesses over the years: voices too loud, demonic Giovanni, stentorian Anna, slow Karajanish tempos, a Giovanni-Anna romance that I've never understood or believed. This Aix performance, conducted briskly by Daniel Harding, is almost devoid of sets and furniture, but instead relies on inventive staging and characterization. All the voices are good, but the standouts are Mattei and Mark Padmore as Ottavio. I feel that Mozart would recognize and appreciate this performance. Highly recommended. But if you're used to Puccini voices, Zeffirelli sets, and modern interpretations of basic characters, then look elsewhere.
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