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Price: $8.50
Sale Price: $3.99
6/3/64 ~ TV
Carol Burnett (Princess Winnifred), Jane White (Queen Aggravain), Jack Gilford (King Sextimus), Joseph Bova (Prince Dauntless), Elliot Gould (Jester), Shani Wallis (Lady Larkin), Bill Hayes (Minstrel), Jack Fletcher (Wizard).  This is the first TV adaptation of the 1959  Broadway musical, and is closer to the original production than the 1972 version, although it was abbreviated for television.  It also features most of the original Broadway cast.  In black and white.

Product Reviews

(1 Rating, 1 Review) Average Rating:
More Interesting Than Good
Alison D Frankel (Tarzana, CA) 9/3/2013 12:45 PM
This is actually a very good quality recording of the show in its original form. Shot in B&W, nice and clear, with precious few glitches. But it's an oddity for those familiar with the show from its 70's TV remake on. Later versions changed and streamlined the songs and characters; adding, subtracting and altering them in a very positive way, making this more a curiosity for the completist than a good show in its own right. Still, Carol Burnett is fantastic, as always, and it's interesting to see how the show evolved over time.
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