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Price: $7.95
This disc of the Audio Encyclopedia focusses on the period of the late 1960's through the 1970's, with reference points in 1952 and 1999. Few of these performances are of the legendary status of early eras, but many offer great performances by artists who deserve to be better known. Note that even when there are commercial releases of productions from this period, the ones presented here have been selected for their unique virtues. Thus, the two 1976 G?tterd?mmerung performances can be compared with one another and with the composite in video and audio distribution

his disc of the Audio Encyclopedia focusses on the period of the late 1960's through the 1970's, with reference points in 1952 and 1999. Few of these performances are of the legendary status of early eras, but many offer great performances by artists who deserve to be better known. Note that even when there are commercial releases of productions from this period, the ones presented here have been selected for their unique virtues. Thus, the two 1976 G?tterd?mmerung performances can be compared with one another and with the composite in video and audio distribution.

Opera Year Conductor Soloists
Der fliegende Holl_nder 1976 Davies Estes, Salminen, Balslev
Gtterd_mmerung 1976 Boulez Jones, Thomas, Arvidsson
Gtterd_mmerung 1976 Boulez Knie, Thomas, Arvidsson
Lohengrin 1968 Erede King, Harper, McIntyre
Die Meistersinger 1960 Knappertsbusch Greindl, Windgassen, Gr_mmer
Parsifal 1971 Jochum Konya, Crass, Martin, Stewart
Das Rheingold 1976 Boulez McIntyre, Randova, Zednik
Siegfried 1952 Keilberth Aldenhoff, Varnay, Hotter
Siegfried 1976 Boulez Kollo, Jones, McIntyre
Tannh_user 1972 Leinsdorf Beresford, Jones, Sotin, Weikl
Tristan und Isolde 1970 Bhm Windgassen, Nilsson, Hoffman
Tristan und Isolde 1999 Barenboim Jerusalem, Meier, Braun
Die Walk_re 1976 Boulez McIntyre, Jones, Hofmann

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