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0245-2 NORMA (Bellini)

Price: $14.94
Sale Price: $5.62

Product Reviews

(1 Rating, 1 Review) Average Rating:
Callas and Sutherland on the same stage
David Fletcher (Bradford, West Yorkshire) 1/23/2009 7:00 AM
This is one of the first performances we have of Sutherland on stage,in the small role of Clotilde,Callas is at her best in the title role,she grew even more into the role later in her career,unfortunately the voice was not as fresh then,here we have her at her best(along with the 1955 La Scala performance).Stignani was nearing the end of her public career,she retired in 1958,but the voice still pours out,she had the most fantastic mezzo voice,and joins Callas on her high notes in the duets.Mirto Picchi does a sterling job with Pollione,and Vaghi is a good Oroveso,Gui is the conductor,and a very good job he does.
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