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US, 10/2024. Bud Roach, tenor & theorbo.

St Malachy’s Church – The Actors’ Chapel in New York City
Bud Roach ~ tenor & theorbo
This concert features 17th-century Italian love songs by Perti, Stefani, and Cazzati, and English airs by Purcell, Blow, and Lawes. Some of these arias were meant for courtly entertainment, but all would have made their way into the theatres and the streets of Italy and England, performed as they are here, with the singer providing his own accompaniment on the theorbo.
Bella mia questo mio core (Giovanni Stefani (fl. 1618–1626))
Si dolce è’l tormento (Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643))
Quella bella crudel (Maurizio Cazzati (1616–1678))
L’amante incostante (Maurizio Cazzati (1616–1678))
Se l’aura spira (Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643))
Voglio un amore (Giacomo Antonio Perti (1661–1756))
Poverello, meschino sgratiato (attr. Francesco Rati (d. 1679))
Amor, non posso piu (Francesco Rati (d. 1679))
Come l’oro in sen si mira (Domenico Maria Melli (fl. 1602–1609))
Sotto aspetto ridente (Alessandro Grandi (1586–1630))
Mark how the blushful morn (Nicholas Lanier (1588–1666))
In the merry month of (May John Wilson (1595–1674))
Have you seen but a white lily grow? (Robert Johnson (c. 1583–1633))
She loves, and she confesses, too (Henry Purcell (1659–1695))
Lovely Selina (John Blow (1649–1708))
Gather your rosebuds while you may (William Lawes (1602–1645))
Johnny and Nelly (Willam Thomson (fl. 1695–1753))

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