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23240 TEA (Houston)

Price: $8.95

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US, 6/26/2023. PLAY. June Angela (Atsuko Yamamoto), Keiko Agena (Teruko Mackenzie), Tiffany Villarin (Chizuye Juarez), Satomi Blair (Himiko Hamilton), Maureen Sebastian (Setsuko Banks). “After the untimely death of their neighbor, four women meet at her home for tea. They are Japanese wives of American Servicemen who have come to America post-war with their new husbands, drawn together not by choice but by forced proximity and shared identity. Sequestered in Junction City, Kansas after the American occupation of Japan, the women must confront this loss head on, and ask themselves if the tenuous ties between them can ever stand in for true community”. By Velina Hasu Houston.

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